This is a collapsable metal rolling casket stand known as a "Church Truck," used for moving caskets around the cemetery, mortuary and to the chapel. This is a vintage model. Dimensions (collapsed): 27x10x10 - 27 lbs
RENTAL PROP. 1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $1075. Rental account required. Subject to availability. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.
1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $1075. Please add your rental dates to the order notes at checkout. Subject to availability. Rental account required. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.
This is a collapsable metal rolling casket stand known as a "Church Truck," used for moving caskets around the cemetery, mortuary and to the chapel. This is a vintage model. Dimensions (collapsed): 27x10x10 - 27 lbs
RENTAL PROP. 1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $1075. Rental account required. Subject to availability. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.
1 week rental price is listed. Replacement value is $1075. Please add your rental dates to the order notes at checkout. Subject to availability. Rental account required. If you need to rent today or tomorrow, please contact us.